Friday, September 12, 2008

Quiz1 Questions Sept 11,2008

 The first thing you do is to investigate.You will know what the problem is.You have to get the information you need.Then you develop the design brief and formulate a design specification.The second thing you do is to plan it.You will design a product then you will plan a product.The third thing you do is to create.You have to follow the plan and do what it is telling you to do.The last thing you need to do is to evaluate it.You have to solve the product then you have to use.
 The Gmail account should be your first initials then your last name,then the date you are graduating,then
Your password should be the date of your birthday then your first initial and last initial.   No not yet.
My URL is Yaili S. Bye!!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Sept.8 ,2008. Due Friday!!!!!

  • Idea Mission is different beacause they give you tickets to go to the restroom.In my other classroom they didn't give us tickets.The teachers will just let us go whenever we wanted.It is also different because we wouldn't use our computers for homework.We will use them to like programs for math.In yours we use them to do our homework.
  • The way that I become an IB Learner is to pay attention to the teacher or to the person who is talking in the class.Paying attention is to listen to the teacher.So, when the teacher is talking I will look at her.It is like tracking the teacher or person from the word S.L.A.N.T. I also become an IB Learner by doing all of my work.I will by doing like my homework or work from class.I will be Knowledgeble because I want to explore Ideas and issues.<<-----How can I become an IB learner???
  • One of the things that I have learned in the last week at Idea Mission is that when you are always going to shake someone's hand you have to look at the person in the eyes.Another thing that I have learned is that if you don't wear the right uniform they will give you sentences.Also, I learned that if you talk when you are in line they put you to do sentences.They will put you to do them as many times as you need.Another is what I have learned at Road to Collage at Mrs.Jaime's class.I learned that you have to control peer pressure. She also asked us if we have ever been peer pressured.
  • Your computer class is different from others because in the others we could talk as much as we wanted.We could a talk lot and the teacher will not tell us anything.We could also play games.We could play the games that we wanted to.We could also hear music.Our computers were also cheaper.Yours are apple.We also didn't have homework in computer class. BYE!!!!!! 

Monday, September 8, 2008


  • Idea Mission is different from other schools, because the teachers wouldn't give us tickets to go to the restrooms.The teachers from my school will just let us go anytime we wanted to.So it was fun.
  • Now, your computer/technology clss is different from others because in the other classes in my old school we could talk as much as we wanted too, and we could play games in the computer.This class we can't talk as much as we want too or we get sentences.  BYE!!!!